Friday, June 30, 2017

Gone too soon June.

Well, this month just zipped on by!
'Twas a busy month...
All in all a good month.

Made some new cushion designs.

Sewed a strawberry dress with Astrid  {the aqua sewing machine} for...

The vintage sale at which my friend Lily {Mode de Lis} & I shared a booth!

It was so much fun & such a great experience! I would definitely do it again.

Did a bit of thrifting with Momma & found some fun strawberry themed items. πŸ“πŸ˜„

My grandpa had a surgery & a few of us took turns staying overnight there to take care of him & grandma. There's nothing like being away from home to make you appreciate your little dwelling on this earth more. As Miss Read said in Village Diary: 

"With all the windows in the house opened, I sat down with my tea tray and thought how lovely it was to be back. I feel like a sword in a scabbard, I told myself, and instantly decided that a sword was much too dashing. Perhaps a cup, hanging again on its accustomed hook on the kitchen dresser, would be a better simile."

Some happy mail came all the way from England! I ordered a backpack for an upcoming trip out West to Seattle for a wedding in August! Somehow a meter of London print duck cloth found its way into my online shopping bag as well. πŸ˜‰

The 1st Friday of Summer meant the local Old Settlers carnival! Homemade ice cream from a retro looking food truck was a must. I call this one the pb&j: peanut butter ice cream on the bottom & strawberry on the top. πŸ¦πŸ˜‹

Oh, how I love the view from the top of the ferris wheel. 

The brick streets in our little town's square are so charming. 

I love how retro some of the rides are.

I've been working away on two major custom orders. These daisy grannies are for a queen sized bedspread. I'm beginning to see them when I close my eyes. I've never made a blankie this big before. {Good thing I love making these, right?}

And also I'm copying a beloved lacy shrug for a lovely gal I met at the vintage sale! This is the first time I've copied a garment & it's coming along nicely. Lots of counting & recounting stitches & scribbling down notes. I'm rather enjoying the almost magical way simple stitches become something beautiful.


How has your June been?
Do you have any big plans for the Summer?

Hope you're enjoying the long days!
Michelle πŸ“ 

{Ps cushions are available for custom order. $35 + shipping 
And the watermelon version is currently listed in my Etsy shop & ready to ship!}


  1. Michelle,

    It looks like you have had a full and fun June! Your tent at the craft sale was lovely!The daisy granny squares are absolutely delightful, but a queen size blanket is quite the project. I'm afraid that would take me years. : )


  2. Wow, I didn't realize how busy June was until I read this! It was a wonderful month! I look forward to what the Lord has in store for you in July. I'm sure it will be 'toil mixed with peace and rest'. Blessings to you ��

  3. Hi, Michelle ~

    This is Brittany from SomeLittleGood on Instagram. My mom, sister and I have actually been long time readers of your sweet blog(s) and we always enjoy your posts. I just wanted to pop over and say hi!

    What a busy month June has been - I can't believe it's already over! Also, I look forward to seeing how your crochet shrug turns out! I've never tried to replicate a crochet/knitted item without a pattern but it seems like a lot of fun. :o)

  4. So happy I found you on Instagram and now your blog! I never heard anyone say "as Miss Read says". I have adored her books and reread them dreaming of living in a small cottage in a small village in England with so much greeness outside and profusions of flowers and coming home on a cold rainy day to have toast egg and tea for supper.

  5. I love that doily with the red rose. It's so lovely. And the daisy granny is so charming. Daisies remind me of my mom. I can't believe you're going to make them into a bedspread. You're so creative with lots of great ideas.

