Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Easter Egg Socks Pattern

🐣 Easter Egg Socks 🐰

By Michelle 🍓

Size Small-Medium

You will need:
1 100g ball of fingering weight sock yarn
{I used Knit Picks Chroma Fingering in Sugar Cookie}

Size 1 {2.25mm} double pointed needles

K - Knit
P - Purl
Sl. - Slip
PSSO - Pass slipped stitch over
K2tog - Knit 2 together
P2tog - Purl 2 together
St(s) - Stitch(es)

Special Stitches:
🐣For this pattern you will need to knit bobbles. Here's how to do it: (K1,P1) 2 times all in the same stitch. {4 sts} Turn & purl these 4 sts. Turn & knit these 4 sts. Turn & purl them once more. Now turn again and slip 2 sts, K2tog, pass the 2 slipped stitches over. You now have a bobble!🐰 {You may rejoice in its bunny tail-like cuteness.}

Lets begin! 🐰🐣🐰🐣
Cast on 60 sts. Divide evenly between 3 needles. Join in a round. Work in K2P2 ribbing for 12 rounds.

Knit 3 rounds.

Time for a bobble round! (K4, make 1 bobble) repeat to the end.

Knit 3 rounds.

Now it's time to work the squiggly line.
Round 1: (P2, K8) repeat to the end.
Round 2: P3, K6, (P4, K6) repeat ( ) to the end.
Round 3: K2, P2, (K4, P2, K2, P2) repeat ( ) to the last 6 sts. K4, P2.
Round 4: K3, (P2, K2, P2, K4) repeat ( ) to the last 7 sts. P2, K2, P2, K1.
Round 5: K4, (P4, K6) repeat  ( ) to the last 6 sts. P4, K2.
Round 6: K5, (P2, K8) repeat ( ) to the last 5 sts. P2, K3.

Knit 6 rounds.

Repeat from ☆ once.

Work a bobble round.

Knit 3 rounds.

Divide for heel:
Knit 30 sts. onto 1st needle.
Divide remaining 30 sts. between 2 needles.
Work on the 1st needle only for heel flap thus: 
{Wrong side} Sl.1, P to end.
{Right side} (Sl.1, K1) repeat to end.
Repeat these 2 rows for 25 rows so ending with a purl row.

Turn heel:
K17, K2tog, K1, turn.
Sl.1, P5, P2tog, P1, turn.
Sl.1, K6, K2tog, K1, turn.
Sl.1, P7, P2tog, P1, turn.
Continue in this manner, working one more stitch between decreases until 18 sts. remain.
Knit across the 18 sts.

With heel needle pick  up & knit 13 sts. along edge of heel flap.
With free needle knit across the next 30 sts.
With a free needle pick up & knit 13 sts. along the heel flap edge & K9 sts. from heel needle.

Round 1: K to the last 3 sts. on 1st needle K2tog, K1. Knit across 2nd needle. K1, Sl.1, K1, PSSO, K to end of 3rd needle.

Round 2: Knit.

Repeat these two rounds until there remain 15 sts. on 1st & 3rd needles. {60sts}

Knit even until 2 inches shorter than your desired foot length.

Round 1:  K to the last 3 sts. on 1st needle K2tog, K1. 
2nd needle: K1, Sl.1, K1, PSSO, knit to the last 3 sts. 
K2tog, K1. K1, Sl.1, K1, PSSO, K to end of 3rd needle.

Round 2: Knit

Repeat these two rounds until there remain 20 sts. {5 sts. on 1st & 3rd and 10 sts. on 2nd}
Knit across 5 sts. of 1st needle.
Cut yarn leaving enough to kitchener toe closed.

Enjoy your socks! 😄

I'd love to see what you've made if you use my pattern! Please tag me on Instagram if you share pics. {@miss_strawberry_shortgirl} & use the hashtag #EasterEggSocks🍓

1 comment:

  1. These socks are adorable! They are truly unique. One of the most original sock patterns I've seen. Thank you for sharing the pattern for free. : )
